Google Analytics vs Google Tag Manager: Why You Should Ignore Them and Choose Void Analytics Instead

When it comes to tracking and analyzing website data, Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager are two of the most popular tools used by businesses. However, despite their popularity, there are some key drawbacks to using these tools that are often overlooked. In this blog post, we will delve into the limitations of Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, and why you should consider using Void Analytics instead.

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The Limitations of Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that provides valuable insights into website traffic and user behavior. However, there are some drawbacks to using Google Analytics that may make you think twice before relying on it for your data tracking needs.


One of the main drawbacks of Google Analytics is its complexity. Setting up and configuring Google Analytics can be a daunting task, especially for users who are not familiar with coding or technical jargon. The sheer number of features and options available in Google Analytics can be overwhelming, and it can be easy to get lost in the sea of data without a clear understanding of what it all means.

Privacy Concerns

Another major drawback of Google Analytics is its privacy implications. Google Analytics collects a vast amount of data about website visitors, including their browsing habits, location, and demographics. This data is then stored on Google's servers and used for targeted advertising and marketing purposes. This raises concerns about user privacy and data security, especially in light of recent data breaches and privacy scandals.

Sampled Data

Finally, Google Analytics uses sampled data to generate reports, which means that not all data is included in the analysis. This can lead to inaccurate or incomplete insights, as important data points may be omitted from the analysis. For businesses that rely on accurate and comprehensive data to make informed decisions, this limitation of Google Analytics can be a major drawback.

The Limitations of Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is another popular tool for tracking website data, but it also has its drawbacks that may make you reconsider using it for your data tracking needs.


Like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager can be complex and difficult to set up and configure. Users may struggle to understand how to properly implement and manage tags, triggers, and variables, leading to errors and inaccuracies in the data collected. This complexity can be a barrier to entry for users who are not technically savvy.

Dependence on Third-Party Scripts

Google Tag Manager relies on third-party scripts to track website data, which can pose a security risk. These scripts can potentially track sensitive information about website visitors without their consent, raising concerns about data privacy and security. Additionally, reliance on third-party scripts can lead to performance issues and slow down website loading times.

Lack of Customization

Google Tag Manager offers limited customization options, which can be frustrating for users who want more control over how their data is tracked and analyzed. Without the ability to customize tags and triggers to suit their specific needs, users may find themselves limited in their ability to derive meaningful insights from the data collected by Google Tag Manager.

Why You Should Choose Void Analytics Instead

Given the limitations of Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, you may be wondering what alternative tools are available for tracking website data. One such alternative is Void Analytics, a data tracking tool that offers simplicity, privacy-friendly features, and accurate, unsampled data.


Void Analytics is designed to be user-friendly and easy to set up and configure, even for users with limited technical knowledge. With a clean and intuitive interface, Void Analytics makes it easy to track website data without getting overwhelmed by unnecessary features and options. Users can quickly set up tracking tags, triggers, and variables without the need for complex coding or technical expertise.


Void Analytics prioritizes user privacy and data security, ensuring that website visitors' personal information is protected at all times. Unlike Google Analytics, Void Analytics does not collect or store sensitive data about website visitors, and it does not use data for targeted advertising or marketing purposes. With Void Analytics, you can rest assured that your website data is being tracked in a privacy-friendly manner that respects the rights of your users.

Not Sampled Data

One of the key advantages of Void Analytics is that it does not use sampled data to generate reports. This means that all data collected by Void Analytics is included in the analysis, providing you with accurate and comprehensive insights into website traffic and user behavior. With Void Analytics, you can trust that the data you are receiving is complete and reliable, allowing you to make informed decisions based on real-time data.


While Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager are popular tools for tracking website data, they come with limitations that may make you reconsider using them for your data tracking needs. From complexity and privacy concerns to sampled data and lack of customization options, there are several drawbacks to using these tools that may hinder your ability to derive meaningful insights from your data.

Instead, consider using Void Analytics, a user-friendly and privacy-friendly data tracking tool that offers accurate, unsampled data without compromising user privacy or data security. With Void Analytics, you can track website data with confidence, knowing that your data is being collected and analyzed in a way that respects the rights of your users and provides you with the insights you need to make informed decisions for your business.

In conclusion, while Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager may be popular choices for tracking website data, you should ignore them and choose Void Analytics instead for its simplicity, privacy-friendly features, and not sampled data. With Void Analytics, you can track website data with confidence and peace of mind, knowing that your data is being collected and analyzed in a way that prioritizes user privacy and provides you with accurate and comprehensive insights into website traffic and user behavior.

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